Method: Hybrid mode-flux theory
Model output: propagation loss in the water layer
Description: Coupled normal mode theory can be used to model the propagation in the range dependent media. Our coupled-mode approach is based on fluid and elastic seabed options. Based on the continuity and orthonormality conditions, the acoustic wavefield can be modeled in the range-dependent media. The normal mode eigenvalues are calculated by SILENCE root finder algorithm. As an application of this model, the propagation characteristics can be calculated accurately when a single or multiple bubble curtains are present. The geometrical shape of the bubble curtains can also be considered. The model can be combined for the different source types.
Software request form: This software is not available as an open-source yet. It will be announced on the main page when it becomes available.
Feedback/suggestions: If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestion, please contact us with the feedback form or e-mail.
Apostolos Tsouvalas, e:mail:
- H.O. Sertlek, A. Tsouvalas, Modelling underwater noise from the pile driving with the multiple bubble curtains, (In preparation)